⇒ Manuscript must be prepared by following the ICOCN'2023 full-paper template.

⇒ The length of a full paper manuscript must be no more than 3 pages. 

⇒ Full papers must be uploaded in PDF format.

⇒ Pre-submission of an Abstract is allowed, but the full paper must be uploaded before the conference date. 

⇒ Abstract submission is welcome if the authors don't want to publish a full paper in the conference proceeding.


论文接收后需要完成以下事项 (After the acceptance of the paper, the following items need to be completed),

Camera-ready PDF Instructions for Authors of ICOCN2023


1. 参考会议网站上的投稿模板修改论文/Revise your paper by following the latest paper template, which can be download from the conference website.http://www.icocn.org.cn/static/upload/file/20230630/1688123516108111.docx

2. 在论文第一页左下脚注内插入如下版权声明/Please add the following copyright notice to the bottom of the first page of your source document:  

                     979-8-3503-4350-2/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE.

如果作者都是美国政府雇员/If all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright

如果作者都是Crown政府雇员/If all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 979-8-3503-4350-2/23/$31.00 ©2023 Crown

如果作者都是欧盟雇员/If all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 979-8-3503-4350-2/23/$31.00 ©2023 European Union

3. 彻底校对您的word文档,以确认它不需要其它修改/Proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no more revision.

   4. word文档转换成PDF格式/Convert your word document into PDF

   5. 登录IEEE网站进行兼容性检查并提交终稿/IEEE Xplore-compatible check

Ø  网址:https://ieee-pdf-express.org/account/Login

Ø  Conference ID: 59242X (登录时需要填写)

Ø  新用户需要先注册/New users need to register first

Ø  具体检查流程请参考网页:https://ieee-pdf-express.org/External/UsingIEEEPDFeXpress

6. 提交电子版权转移表/submit the electronic copyright form by clicking Copyright link具体做法已通过邮件发给了投稿系统中标注的通信作者


 以下几种情况可能导致您的终稿IEEE Xplore拒绝发表(由于会务组收不到任何相关通知,对此毫无办法,如若发生,还请谅解):

1、 没做IEEE兼容性检查,或做了没通过;

2、 通过检查后又进行了修改;

3、 没有提交IEEE电子版权转移表;
4、以上终稿提交和版权转移的办法和通知,以及后续的会议相关通知,都会通过投稿系统发送给投稿系统里的联系作者(corresponding author)。参会人员和具体负责稿件处理的人员,请务必把自己设为联系作者;
5、若有疑问请联系会议秘书处,Email: icocn@cjlu.edu.cn 手机: 13750800232 (Wechat/微信同号)